Plenty of WP plugins to choose from.
As a web usability enthusiast I spend quite some time looking for ways to improve my blog in an attempt to make the visit as smooth and pleasant as possible. In this article I’ll be talking about some very simple WordPress plugins that will transform your blog in a more user-friendly version with only a few minutes of work.
The main reasons it’s so important to strive for a better user-friendliness is because it will make your blog more efficient, it’s easier for your visitors to adapt to, and more satisfying to use. In other words, by improving the effectiveness, efficiency and usability, your visitors will actually enjoy visiting your blog, come back time after time and even participate in your online discussions.
Below, you’ll find a quick roundup of some of the best and most effective WordPress plugins I’ve come across.
Using the search engine on a WordPress blog can be very frustrating. You might have one of the following results when you click on the search button:
- You don’t get the information you were looking for
- You get 50 pages of links
- Or you don’t get any result at all.
The standard WordPress SERP (Search Engine Results Page) will only show you what you’ve asked for. Very simple and straight forward but not very user-friendly.
Search Excerpt
If you’re looking for something very general, for example “design,” you get a lot of results (if you are visiting a design related website, that is). The default result page will show you the first 55 words of an article that includes the word design, which doesn’t always represent the correct context of the searched keyword.
One of the solutions is to show some of the excerpt text which is found directly around your keyword, instead of the normal first 55 words.
Now that you know the context of “design,” it is easier to find the link you need and make a clear decision. I would also advise to put your keyword in bold, making it easier to retrieve it in the text. The plugin you need is Search Excerpt and can be found at Scott Yang’s playground.
Search Suggest
Of course, you can even do better than that. For example, you could show some suggestions if no matches were found because of a typo. Searching for “asability” on my blog doesn’t return anything, but you could suggest the word “usability.”
A great plugin to get this kind of thing sorted out is called Search-Suggest By Yoast and works with Yahoo’s API.
Yes, you heard me: print! With all the current digital technology—products as the iPad, Kindle, and other e-readers—it may seem a bit weird to talk about print. You need to realize that a lot of people still prefer the more traditional approach of reading good old paper.
To integrate this into your blog, you can use the WP-Print plugin. When installing, you’ll need to regenerate the permalinks (Settings > Permalinks > hit the save button) in order to make it work.
Broken links
Nothing is as irritating as a broken link on a website. Instead of checking all the links throughout your blog or waiting until someone reports a broken link, you can install the Broken Link Checker plugin by Janis Elsts.
As you probably guessed correctly, this plugin will search for broken links and report it directly on your dashboard, making it easy to repear. You do not have to keep this plugin activated the entire time; just install it every 2 weeks and scan for broken links. Afterwards, you can uninstall the plugin.
Breadcrumbs are very versatile. Not only do they show visitors which page they’re currently visiting, provide them with an alternative navigation, and give SEO (search engine optimization) a helping hand; they also clarify the hierarchy of the website itself.
This last point is very important: imagine you’ve just typed a search string in your favorite search engine and clicked a link. Very often you will end up directly on a page other than the homepage. Because of this, people have no idea how this page is situated towards your homepage and feel a bit lost.
Breadcrumbs are perfect because they will point out the relationship of the landing page with the homepage. For example: Home > Products > Sports > Tennis > Tennis rackets.
For an easy integration and full control of breadcrumbs, install Breadcrumb NavXT by John Havlik.
Subscribe to comments
Many times I find myself wandering the internet, looking for interesting articles and posting comments (if it really contributes to the ongoing discussion, of course). Any reply to my comment—or to the discussion in general—is worth following because that is how discussions are formed. Instead of bookmarking all those pages separately and checking them from time to time for updates, it would be great to receive a message telling you something has happened.
With the Subscribe to comments plugin, you can opt-in for an email notification, which will be sent whenever something occurs. It comes with a handy overview of all your subscriptions, which you can cancel whenever you want.
Caching your pages
WP Super Cache is a very useful plugin because it will drastically improve the loading time of your website by caching your pages and minimizing the CSS and Javascript files. This plugin is a must-have.
Heaven or hell
With a staggering amount of 10,664 plugins and the ease of implementation, WordPress plugins are both a blessing and a possible threat to your website’s performance. When deciding whether a certain plugin is necessary, you need to know if it will benefit the experience of the visitor.
If you think it is fancy to have or looks kinda cool, you should throw it overboard without any second thought. It is imperative to keep the amount of installed plugins to a minimum. The more you have installed, the longer your blog pages will need to fully load.
If you have any other examples of plugins which gives your users a helping hand, let us know.
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