Friday, December 4, 2009

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Revealed As CIA Spy

Blackwater Founder Erik Prince Revealed As CIA Spy: "

Fascinatingly, according to a just-released article from Vanity Fair, Erik Prince, the “Christian-supremacist” founder of Blackwater, worked secretly as a CIA agent from 2004 until two months ago:

The truth about Prince may be orders of magnitude stranger than fiction.

For the past six years, he appears to have led an astonishing double life. Publicly, he has served as Blackwater’s C.E.O. and chairman. Privately, and secretly, he has been helping [the C.I.A.] to craft, fund, and execute operations ranging from inserting personnel into “denied areas”—places U.S. intelligence has trouble penetrating—to assembling hit teams targeting al-Qaeda members.

While his company was busy gleaning more than $1.5 billion in government contracts…Prince, according to sources with knowledge of his activities, has been working as a C.I.A. asset: in a word, as a spy.


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