Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Definitive Entrepreneur’s Guide to Lawyers

The Definitive Entrepreneur’s Guide to Lawyers: "

Over the last few years I have seen a tremendous rise in interest in entrepreneurship. Surprisingly, a large number of early stage entrepreneurs keep making expensive mistakes which are completely avoidable. One of the reason for such mistakes is the lack of access to seasoned entrepreneurs who can be a source of learning. I previously wrote about the startup guide written by Naeem Zafar. That guide laid out the necessary steps one needs before starting a new venture (you can get a free copy of the book by signing up at Startup-Advisor.com). As a followup to that, Naeem has recently published an eBook called The Definitive Entrepreneur’s Guide to Lawyers.

As any experienced business person and entrepreneur can tell, legal matters are extremely important. It so happens that law firms can be intimidating to many and legal matters also tend to be costly. Naeem’s book helps entrepreneurs to get educated about the whole process and to get the maximun value out of your legal spending. The book provides many little-known facts, secrets, techniques, and tricks which can make life easy for a startup team.

Some of the important points Naeem touches upon include:

• The different things lawyers can (and cannot) help you accomplish.

• The inner workings of a law firm, and how to use that knowledge to lower your legal bills.

• Choosing the right lawyer for you.

• When you should first contact a lawyer.

• Why you might want to choose a large law firm over a small one—or vice versa.

• When you may need to create a legal entity (incorporation), and what options you have.

• How to leave your current employer in a way that causes minimum trouble later.

• How to protect your ideas.

Naeem stresses the need to educate yourself and to start a relationship with attorney, even if you don’t hire them right away. This is what I have done and I can tell you that it is a very good strategy to get started. As you go along you educate yourself through books, online resources and from others. Then when you are ready and you need help with a particular legal document, you know what to do and where to go. So do your home work and read this book.

A version of this post appeared at TelecomPk.net

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